Blum institute

Connect AI Into Your Business —
The First BH Prompting Academy

Elevate Your Company, Empower Your Team



Six modules

We cover topics from introductory topics to specialized topics


Expert Instructors

Courses taught by leading professionals from industry and academia


Industry-Relevant Projects

Work on real-world projects relevant to your industry


Tailored Training

Customized training programs to meet specific company needs.



Receive a certificate upon course completion, validating your AI engineering skills.


Why Blum Institute?

Why Emerik Blum? - The institute honors Emerik Blum for his pivotal role as a pioneer in regional technological advancement. His dedication to innovation and leadership in the energy industry and engineering left a profound and enduring impact, both locally and internationally.

"The university is our most important factory." Emerik Blum

Blum's Way to Business Success

Emerik Blum achieved remarkable success through his stewardship of "Energoinvest", which he co-founded and grew into a regional powerhouse. He focused on expanding engineering capabilities, developing critical infrastructure, and establishing a strong global presence. His strategic vision aimed at cultivating a skilled engineering workforce capable of substantial production, construction, and global export.

Blum's Philosophy

Emerik Blum's philosophy emphasized continuous improvement and technological innovation. He upheld rigorous standards of quality alongside social responsibility, placing significant emphasis on the education and development of young engineers. Blum believed that investing in research and development was essential for long-term success, benefiting both his company and broader society.

Interested in finding out more about Blum's history?


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At Prompting Academy, a project of the Blum Institute, we're committed to advancing artificial intelligence education and research. Our mission is to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the dynamic field of AI technology.

Through meticulously designed training programs, hands-on workshops, and collaborative research initiatives led by experts, we strive to empower our community to unleash the full potential of AI.

Join us as we pave the way in shaping the future of AI education and innovation.

Join us


Enhanced Workforce Skills

Trained employees possess advanced AI skills, improving overall competency.

Increased Innovation

Access to cutting-edge AI techniques fosters innovation in solution development.

Improved Decision-Making

Better understanding of AI technologies leads to informed decision-making.

Competitive Advantage

Staff trained in the latest AI techniques gain a market edge, staying ahead of trends.

Boost your resume with certified expertise


Course Structure and Content

Module 1: Introduction to Prompt Engineering

  • Introduction to Natural Language and Prompting
  • Application of Prompting in ChatGPT
  • Understanding the Advantages and Challenges in Prompting
  • Real-World Examples

Module 2: Understanding the Limitations of Prompting

  • Recognizing When Prompting is Inadequate
  • Identifying the Limitations of Prompting
  • Activity: Analysis of Prompting Solution Limitations

Module 3: Writing Powerful Prompts

  • Introduction to Task-Specific Prompts
  • Techniques for Creating Powerful, Task-Specific Prompts
  • Best Practices for Writing Effective Prompts
  • Exercise: Writing Prompts

Module 4: Quality Control and Testing Existing Prompts

  • Understanding the Importance of Evaluating and Testing Existing Prompt Solutions
  • Techniques for Evaluating and Testing Prompt Solutions
  • Developing New Prompt Solutions
  • Activity: Evaluation and Development of Existing Prompt Solutions

Module 5: Automation and Optimization in Prompting

  • Overview of Automated Techniques for Prompting
  • Advantages and Limitations of Automated Prompting
  • Best Practices for Using Automated Techniques to Develop Effective Prompt Solutions
  • Activity: Using Automated Techniques to Develop Prompt Solutions
  • Optimization of Prompts
  • Activity: Optimization and Improvement of Prompts

Module 6: Advanced Topics in Prompt Engineering

  • Creating Your Own ChatGPT Agents and Fine-Tuning
  • Analyzing Documents, Images, and Tables Using ChatGPT
  • Using Pre-made ChatGPTs for Specific Tasks
  • ChatGPT in Education and Everyday Life
  • Advanced Programming with ChatGPT
  • Final Exam

What we offer


Our Prompting Academy offers comprehensive training in various advanced techniques and methodologies. Participants delve deep into key principles and practices through interactive lectures, practical exercises, and real-world projects.

Led by industry experts and academics, our courses provide invaluable mentorship and guidance, ensuring participants develop practical skills and expertise. Ethical considerations are also a core component of our curriculum, highlighting the importance of responsible practices. Upon completion, participants receive a certification validating their proficiency and readiness for the dynamic field they are entering.

Maximum of 25 participants per group.

For more information about the course prices and packages, please contact us via email.

It offers an intensive experience with expert instructors and hands-on activities.

Meet Adnan Mehremić

Academy lead


Adnan Mehremić is a Machine Learning Engineer specializing in artificial intelligence. With a background in Electrical Engineering, Adnan's career journey highlights the importance of continuous learning and multidisciplinary skills in navigating the evolving landscape of AI technology. He currently serves as the Head of AI at Bloomteq company.




Product of Blum Institut

Founded with the vision of driving Bosnia and Herzegovina to the forefront of the global AI revolution, the Blum Institute is dedicated to transformative AI research and innovation. With a strategic focus on creating technologically advanced and ethically grounded AI solutions, we aim to tackle real-world challenges and revolutionize industries through our cutting-edge research and development initiatives.

Committed to transforming industries and societal sectors through cutting-edge AI research and innovations.

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